Nooming Up Your Mood

The Noom Theory
mission is focused on advancing and development in its standalone aim. to make
a difference in the lives of its people by enabling them to develop their
health and immune system through enhancement of their psychological behavior.
The concept is directed towards giving more power and control to the people
over their health.
Noom employs
the principles and philosophies of behavior psychology to help people enrich
their habits and daily life routines. For giving more control over one’s
health, Noom channels its attention on to ‘sick care’ from health care. This
might seem a very unusual methodology to think about but they believe that
people are more focused on the wrong things when they try to maintain their
For e.g., the
primary methodologies involve in taking care of one’s health is to have a
healthy food in your diet or taking a balanced diet, exercising to burn
unnecessary fats and calories, taking measures of improving the state of mind
and diminishing stress like yoga or getting the optimum amount of sleep
recommended by doctors but still the initial problem that people face despite
they’ve made their mind for it, is that HOW TO DO IT.
This is
their long-term mission. to give a nudge in order for people to get towards the
ultimate destination of healthcare.
Their Story
The lack of
concentration towards the sick care instead of healthcare by the USA’s
healthcare system necessitated the need to make a platform where the right
things shall be focused upon. This is where Artem Petakov and Saeju Jeong
founded the ultimate sick care platform, Noom in 2008.
The two of
them fixated their attention on building digital products that would give
people more control over their health. Throughout the years, they spent
vigorous efforts on research and development alongside propagating their
message and views to the audience all over the world. Their findings
established that behavioral and weight change can be used to address some
chronic diseases like diabetes and hypertension.
Hence, Artem
and Saeju became more convinced that by helping people to attain an optimum
weight could be considered as an initial stage towards a more transformative
Losing Weight
methods involve the profound use of the applications of science and technology
to help their people clearly understand their relationship with their diet.
The Journey
weight is not one’s cup of tea. everyone would agree to that. This is because
it is not so much about the journey as it is about the destination. Here are
some of the highlights of how Noom makes the weight-loss journey for its people
much easier:
1. Daily personalized lessons: to educate
people with enough knowledge and confidence such that they could practically
employ it. Moreover, the lessons are adjusted according to your schedule.
2. Constant motivation: through
one-on-one mentoring, SOS plans and support groups, they make sure that you
have the energy to keep you going.
3. At your convenience: the consistent
tracking of your diet and exercise would enable you to accomplish your goals
effectively, at a pace that more convenient for you.
How Noom Works?
The foremost
thing subsequent to signing up for their service is that you would receive
regular lessons updated according to scientific research and development. These
lessons are widely considered to be more interactive, fun and easy to learn
since day one.
submit your schedule to their application after which they’ll adjust their
tasks convenient to your schedule. You’ll be having the sovereignty to control
the time spent on application usage and the application wud be adapting itself
automatically to keep in line with you.
The most
interesting thing about using noom is that they’ll provide you a personal coach
that would provide you constant support throughout your journey. These coaches
are professionals having the necessary competencies to deal with workplace
challenges. It’s up to the Noomers to choose whether they want a personal coach
in order to support them in their journey or whether the application services
are enough for them.
Lastly, Noom
would track your progress and results and would constantly keep you updated for
necessary steps you might have to take. In addition, Noom gives you the freedom
to manage your own progress at your own pace to make sure journey is more than easy
and you aren’t falling behind of schedule.
On The Verge Of Discoveries
They have
published more than thirty scientific articles reviewed by experts that convey
the fact that their research is evidence-based and is based by many scientific
research methods, and hence proofs that how effectively they work.
research team comprises of PhDs and masters-degree holders in behavioral
psychology, medicine, neuroscience and statistics. Together, they have made
numerous discoveries on certain aspects of behavioral change applauded by the
scientific community.
Their scope
of research is not just limited to behavioral psychology but also expands
across numerous disciplines. This includes several areas of health like
oncology, diabetes management, hypertension disease, prevention of diabetes and
the list goes on.